How To Change Background Color On Instagram Story When Sharing Post 2022

This guide will show you how you can change the background color of an Instagram story when sharing a post through the story. 

I have been using Instagram for some years now and I have done it before.

How To Change Background Color On Instagram Story When Sharing Post 2022

It's super simple and after reading this, you will also be also able to know how to change background color on Instagram story when sharing post in 2022.

How To Change Background Color On Instagram Story When Sharing Post 2022: Step By Step Guide

If you have already selected the post and sent it to the story editing screen, then you can skip to step number #4 below.

1. Open Instagram

This step explains itself, just open insta as usual.

2. Select Post

Choose the post that you need to post on the story.

3. Send Post To Story Editing Screen

You will see a right-sided arrow below the post, click on it. Then select add post to your story. This will send the post to the story editing screen.

4. Select The Draw Option

You will see 3 dots on the top right corner of your screen. Click on it. Then, click the Draw option seen.

5. Select The Prefered Colour For The Background Of The Story

At bottom of the screen, you will see dots with colors on them. Click on the color you want in the background of the story.

For more colors, you can scroll to right at bottom of the screen.

You can also use the pick color tool in the bottom left corner of the screen to select a color from the shared post in the story if you want.

6. Hold On Screen For 2-3 Seconds

After selecting the color as in the previous step, you need to hold on to the screen for 2-3 seconds with your finger for filling the background of the post with that color.

7. Now Click On The Tick Button

The tick button is in the top right corner of your screen, click on it. This step is crucial because if you don't click on the tick button, the color will not get applied to the background of the story.

That's It! You have now successfully known how to change background color on instagram story when sharing post in 2022. Now you may post the story as usual.

Got Any Questions?

If you have any doubts regarding this, you can comment below, I will help you out as soon as possible. Also if this guide was helpful to you, let me know by commenting it below. Thank you for reading this!!!

FAQs & Answers

Can you change background color when sharing post on Instagram? How?

Yes. To know how it's done, You can follow the steps in this guide to change the background color when sharing posts on Instagram.

How do I make background dark on Instagram story when sharing a post?

To make the background dark on the Instagram story when sharing a post, you can follow this guide above but just choose black or any dark color in step #5, others are just the same steps.

Can I change background color on Instagram story when sharing post on Android & iPhone with this method?

I have changed the background color of the Instagram story on my android phone by following this method. You may try this method on your iPhone and see it yourself.

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